How to use the powerbank?
Press the green button on powerbank to start charging.
How to return the powerbank?
Just drop the powerbank to any Plugo Dispenser.
- Make sure the LEDs on Plugo Dispenser is on and stable.
- Please don’t return the powerbank in to a Plugo Dispenser on which LEDs are not turned off or blinking.
OTP zum Registrieren / Ändern des Passworts nicht möglich?
- Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Netzwerkverbindung und versuchen Sie es erneut
- Wenn Sie das OTP immer noch nicht erhalten können, wenden Sie sich an den Support
Wie kann ich eine Power Bank zurückgeben?
- Öffnen Sie die PlugO-App und suchen Sie die nächste PlugO-Box
- Navigieren Sie dorthin und legen Sie die Power Bank in einem der leeren Steckplätze der Box ab
- Sie hören ein Klicken und eine LED-Anzeige für die erfolgreiche Rückkehr
- Nach erfolgreicher Ausführung wird eine Benachrichtigung in der APP angezeigt
Wie tausche ich meine PlugO Power Bank?
Um Ihre Power Bank gegen eine laufende Miete auszutauschen, suchen Sie auf der Karte nach der nächsten PlugO-Station und legen Sie die Power Bank in einen freien Steckplatz am PlugO-Dispenser. Nach Bestätigung des Schließens der bestehenden Miete in der App können Sie eine frische Powerbank mieten.
Was tun, wenn die PlugO Box voll ist?
Bitte navigieren Sie zur nächsten auf der Karte verfügbaren PlugO Box, in der noch einige freie Steckplätze vorhanden sind. Wir setzen PlugO sehr schnell ein, so dass dies nie wieder vorkommt.
Wie überprüfe ich den Ladezustand der Power Bank?
- Drücken Sie den Ein- / Ausschalter oben auf der Power Bank.
- Auf der Unterseite befinden sich 4 LED-Anzeigen. Jede LED steht für 25% Ladung.
Wenn zum Beispiel 3 LEDs leuchten, nachdem die Taste gedrückt wurde, bedeutet dies, dass die Energiebank zu 75% aufgeladen ist.
Wie reserviere ich PlugO, bevor ich den nächsten Ort erreiche?
- Wählen Sie auf der in der App bereitgestellten Karte die nächste verfügbare PlugO-Station aus, klicken Sie einmal darauf und drücken Sie dann die Reservetaste, die neben der Anzahl der verfügbaren Power Banks angezeigt wird
- Sie erhalten in der App eine Bestätigung über die reservierte Power Bank
- Die Reservierung ist nur für eine Dauer von 15 Minuten gültig.
Plugo Power Bank funktioniert nicht
- Öffnen Sie die App und rufen Sie den Support über das Menü auf
- Wählen Sie dann den Issue-Typ als Power Bank aus der bereitgestellten Dropdown-Liste
- Scannen Sie den Power Bank QR-Code und klicken Sie auf Fertig stellen, um den Bericht zu senden
- Werfen Sie die Power Bank in die PlugO Box, um eine neue zu mieten.
Was tun, wenn die PlugO Box leer ist?
Bitte navigieren Sie zur nächsten auf der Karte verfügbaren PlugO-Box mit einigen verbleibenden Powerbanks. Wir setzen PlugO sehr schnell ein, so dass dies nie wieder vorkommt
PlugO Box kann keine Power Bank freigeben
- Wählen Sie den Problemtyp als PlugO-Box aus der bereitgestellten Dropdown-Liste
- Scannen Sie den QR-Code der PlugO Box und senden Sie ihn ab
Navigieren Sie zur nächsten PlugO Box, wie in der App angegeben, und mieten Sie eine Power Bank
What to do if an empty power bank is dispensed?
We never dispense a power bank that is less than 80% charged. However, if
you find such a power bank, then report to us via the support option on the app.
Drop the power bank in box and re-rent another one.
The PlugO app is not working
If the mobile app is not working, then
- Please close the app and restart it
- If it still doesn’t work, please re-install the PlugO app and retry
- If the problem persists, then please contact support on the app
Can I travel to other cities or country with PlugO Power Banks?
- Yes, you surely can if you are a subscribed user of PlugO
- However, standard users can’t avail this facility unless the destination city has PlugO services
Are cash payments allowed?
No, we do not accept cash payments via the PlugO app. However, you can get your wallet recharged through the store operator using his wallet top up method and pay cash to him directly
How to top up my wallet?
To top up your wallet,
- Select Wallet from the side menu on the app
- Then select recharge and enter the desired amount
- It will ask for payment methods, select the appropriate digital method, proceed with the bank details and confirm
- Wallet will be topped up instantly
What happens when my usage exceeds money in wallet?
If your wallet has lesser funds than the services value that you have consumed, then
- Your wallet balance will start to show negative
- You will be prompted to pay the dues.
For example your wallet has 20 INR and you have used services worth 30 INR, then wallet balance will become -10, and it will ask to clear the dues via SMS and email notifications
How to get security deposit refunded?
There are two ways to get your security deposits refunded –
- Go to Support option on the main menu of the app. Select the issue type as “Close Plugo Account”. The security deposit will be refunded within reasonable time.
- Go to Wallet option on the main menu of the app, select Subscription and upgrade to become a subscribed user. The security deposit will be refunded within reasonable time.
What are the rental charges?
The rental charges have been provided under the “Tariff” option on the side menu
Can I rent multiple PlugO power bank at a time?
No, you cannot rent multiple power banks at a time but you can charge multiple devices at a time using the given three cables
Why am I absurdly billed or overcharged?
In case you feel you have been overcharged, please report this issue at [email protected] with the transaction details and we will help you out
Is the power bank waterproof?
No, the power bank is not waterproof! Please try to avoid making direct contact of power bank with water, as it may short circuit the internal circuitry and can cause fire
Can I charge multiple devices at a time?
Yes, you can connect multiple devices at a time and charge them all together
The PlugO power bank comes pre-attached with Type C, Micro USB and iPhone Lightning cable. There is an additional USB 2.0 port to connect external cable to it.
What are the Power bank specifications?
Our power bank comes with the latest and high speed charging technology
- It can recharge all kinds of mobile, depending on its capacity nearly in an hour or so
- It also comes with a USB2.0 port to connect external cable to it
- Power bank specifications are printed at the back of each power bank
How to find a PlugO box with power banks available to rent?
PlugO Boxes can be located on the app
Open the app to locate the nearest PlugO Box and then click on the locators to find the status and other details of that PlugO Box. Such as how many power banks are available to rent, how many empty slots are left to return a power bank, navigation route and store photos and their offerings
Can I charge a PlugO power bank at home?
No, you cannot charge a PlugO power bank at home if you are a standard user or a quarterly subscriber of PlugO.
Subscribe to annual subscription to avail all benefits of PlugO Power Banks
What devices can I charge using PlugO power Bank?
The PlugO power bank comes pre-attached with Type C, Micro USB and iPhone Lightning cable. There is an additional USB 2.0 port to connect external cable to it.
Hence, with these many options you can charge almost any device by connecting external cable if the existing ports put a limitation to your digital charging needs
What is the capacity of a PlugO power bank?
Each PlugO power bank is equipped with 5000mAh Li-ion Polymer battery. All the details of the power bank are given on it
Problem in returning the power back
- If while returning a power bank into an empty slot you are faced with any difficulty or you don’t receive a return confirmation, retry inserting it into another empty slot
- If the problem persists, please contact us through “Support” on our app
What if the power bank is not returned within 10 days or lost?
In case you don’t return the power bank within 10, each day you will be charged a per day rental fee of Rs. 9. On 11th day, the power bank will be considered sold and a negative balance of Rs. 699 will be incurred on the balance.
After this you become the eligible member of the swap program, where you can swap your discharged power bank at any station with a charged one by paying a nominal rental fee or Rs 9.
We are a green company
We have collaborated with Solar Park, who owns a major Solar power generation farms. We monitor the amount of PlugO power that is being rented and in return to that we buy and pump an equivalent amount of solar power into the National grid. Thus we are committed to green power.
Can I buy a PlugO Power Bank?
PlugO believes in the power of shared economy and is committed to sharing and rental of power bank. This is cost effective also and you need not to bother about the maintenance and charging of the power bank. This shared model makes our environment sustainable.
How do I buy a PlugO power bank?
We will introduce this option later. We promote renting and sharing model.